Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Even Jon Stewart finds it ironic how the mass media ignores Ron Paul

After the republican debates in Iowa just a few days ago, Ron Paw finished a close second after Bachman, by a margin of about 150 votes. However, it is worth noting that her campaign directly purchased 4,000 tickets (at $30 a pop) and handed them out to supporters, for free, presumably so they could vote for her later. Ron Paul encouraged his supporters to attend, of course, but did not -pay- for them to do so. Does this count as 'rigging' the straw poll? Maybe, maybe not, but it's a matter that should be at least factored in and weighed in upon.  

I just want to say this... personally, I do -not- agree with Ron Paul on every issue. Infact, there are a lot of things, including his stance on abortion, his extreme opinions on entitlements and his unwillingness to raise taxes on the super rich, just to name a few, that I strongly disagree with. However, that being said, Ron Paul is the true 'change' that Obama was hiked up to be and never was. He's been in politics saying the same thing he's saying now for 12 years, and on the most important issues surrounding our country, like war and our fucked up federal-reserve based monitary system, he couldn't be more right. Do I think he's perfect... no. Is he better than any other establishment candidate out there in the running, including Obama? Infinitely so.

And, if you're curious, here's some of the highlights of his from the debates.

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