It's been awhile since my last post. I'd like to say I have a reason for that, and sure, I do have some excuses. But the truth of the matter is, apathy is really starting to set it. I daresay I've reached the point where I'm no longer filled with hope (that died a long, long time ago) or even anger or concern anymore. It's not that I don't care... I truly do, I just fail to see the point anymore. People don't care, and people don't listen. People don't see the truth for what it is. We're at a point now where the world is finally starting to fall apart. We're beyond the "warning" stage now, and it's so obvious that even the god-damn mainstream media and the 'professional' economists are starting to sing the same tune that myself and the small minority of people out there who actually get it have been singing for years. The loose threads that were never trimmed are being pulled, and the world is literally coming apart at the seams.
The riots going on in London right now are just one example of this. Gerald Celente predicted that there would be massive, wide-scale global riots, starting in the mideast, spreading throughout Europe, and eventually hitting here in the US several months before the tinderbox in Tunisia took flame. Now, London is burning, and of course the mainstream media is trying to play it off as 'racism' or like it's just a bunch of lawless heathens. Isn't it ironic that when it happens in the Mid-East, it's called a pro-democracy movement, but when it happens in a western country, it's called lawlessness. The truth of the matter is, when you ask the rioters why they're doing it, it's the exact same reasons they were doing it in the Mid-East. The youth, highly educated, by the way, are disenchanted. They see the world falling apart around them, they have no jobs, no prospects for a better life, and they know things are just going to get worse. They have no hope, and they see their futures being squandered right before their eyes, knowing there's not a damn thing they can do about it. They have nothing left to loose, so they loose it. That's the same story all across the world right now, and it's certainly no different here in the US... In fact, it's probably worse. We're always the last ones to the party, it seems, but sooner or later, these riots will happen here. When they do, I'll be one of the first ones out in the streets... I promise you that much. Like them, I've got nothing else to loose.
However, that being said, I do have two concerns about the riots going on in London right now.
1) Disorganization / Lack of meaningful targets. Stores, pubs, cars, etc. seem to being hit at random, and while this still makes a statement, other, more effective targets should be pursued.
2) Problem/Reaction/Solution. There've been many reports that I've watched where witness's have stated that police have stood by and watched as rioters targeted stores and other buildings. In a way, this is remaniscent of the G-20 riots, where the government may allow (if not -encourage-) a certain level of dissent until they can justify the elimination of more civil liberties. As you'll see, military involvement, martial law, and killing free communication are just some of the measures being deliberated as we speak.
3) When you combine the two above, you get a very effective strategy indeed. Let the lower class destroy their own communities -AND- pass sweeping civil liberty reform on top of it. Could be a pretty effective strategy to further the propagation of the machine.
Anyway, here are some interesting video's regarding the London riots. Watch if you want... or don't. I don't really care anymore.
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